kidney Stone Symptoms And Treatment

kidney Stone Symptoms And TreatmentKidneys are the filtering organ in our body that remove spend from the blood, which are then excreted in the body in the form of urine. Stones or stone-like hard masses develop, when minerals and acids contained in the urine crystallize and accumulate within the kidneys. If the stones are small, they are able to easily pass through the urinary system, and then out of the body without causing discomfort. But, large stones could possibly get stuck inside the urinary tract, and convey a host of symptoms, including severe pain. It’s been observed that the occurrence of kidney stones is less in women than men. Nevertheless, women may also get these stones due to numerous reasons, and go through the painful symptoms.

Kidney stones symptoms are generally located in the kidney, but could sometimes be located in the urinary tract. One of the leading symptoms of a kidney stone is pain within the abdominal area. This pain is because the stone blocking the urine from appearing out of the kidney. At this point the kidney may become enlarged due to the blockage causing severe pain. The pain sensation is often misdiagnosed as a minor ailment through the patient attempting to self diagnose. It is best to seek medical attention for severe abdominal pain.

Kidney Stone Symptoms


Pain because of kidney stones can be mild to severe and dull to sharp. Larger kidney stones may cause pain as they travel on the ureters and out of your body with the urine. The most common sites for kidney stone related pain would be the low back (on either side), the reduced abdomen and groin area, and underneath the ribs. The pain may come in waves. You may even experience frequent, painful urination for those who have a kidney stone.

Nausea and Vomiting

The pain sensation you have with a kidney stone might be so severe that you develop vomiting and nausea. As the kidney stone moves on the ureter and blocks the flow of urine, this will cause intense pain that is referred to as worse than that of childbirth. This severe pain, nausea, and vomiting must regularly be treated with strong pain medications, antiemetics, and IV fluids.Fever and Chills

Fever and chills

Fever and chills are occasionally symptoms of a kidney stone. These are troubling symptoms that need immediate medical evaluation simply because they could mean that you have an infection (potentially life-threatening, otherwise treated). You should seek immediate treatment for those who have a fever and chills associated with a kidney stone, even though you have only mild pain.

Treatment of Kidney Stones

the symptoms of kidney stones may be treatable with various techniques there are steps you can take as well to prevent the stones from recurring or growing. It is important is to drink plenty of water. You should brink Eight to ten glasses of water a day to continuously flush the kidney and bladder. A dietician may also come up with a specialized diet for you to definitely prevent kidney stones. Knowledge is the key to combating kidney stones.

Extracorporeal shock wave Lithotrispy

Extracorporeal shock wave Lithotrispy uses highly focused electro magnetic waves projected externally the body to crush kidney stones any place in the urinary system. The stone is frequently reduced to sand-like particles that may be passed in the patient’s urine. Large stones may need more than one ESWL sessions. The procedure shouldn’t be done for pregnant women. It can be used for patients of age groups and those who have heart and difficulty in breathing.

Ureteroscopic Lithotrispy with Holmium Laser

This procedure is conducted under Epidural and Spinal Anaesthesia to deal with stones located in the middle and lower ureter. A little, fiberoptic instrument (ureteroscope) is passed in to the ureter. Large stones are fragmented using Watts Coherent Holmium Laser. The laser fragments stone into sand like particles, that are then flushed out through the natural urinary passage. The benefit of Holmium Laser is its ability to fragment stones of compositions and precision. Thus, it’s the most effective laser for the treatment of kidney stones.

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